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Friday, July 12, 2013

Skipping Mystery Meats and Other Fast Food Health Hazards

It’s not even worth the convenience anymore.

Fast food may be quick, but it sure isn’t cheap and it sure isn’t worth the calories. Our lives can be rushed and frantic at times, but I have a feeling that when it comes to better dietary choices, we can always find a few minutes to take better care of ourselves.

Mornings are particularly hard because when you’re tired and you’re running a little late, you’re not exactly thinking about slicing up some fruit to go with your cereal. There’s no time for that! Of course, on the way to work, there are so many fast food options. Breakfast sandwiches and coffee? A side of hash browns? Sounds pretty good and very convenient. However, these food items won’t give your body everything it needs to fuel you properly.

In fact, you can’t even control what goes into those food items. Most of the time, you get eggs that are a little green and have too strong an unpleasant odor. Even worse, there are times when a hair falls into the fryer and your hash browns show up with a little something extra.

Sorry if this made you a little squeamish, but it’s the truth. You can’t control what happens in their kitchens, but you do have control over yours.

As I’ve offered before, my advice is to always schedule a set amount of time at night so that you can prepare meals to take with you to work in the morning. I’m very certain that no matter how tired you feel at the end of the day, once you’re engaged in meal preparation, you don’t feel as worn out. You start to pay close attention to what you are preparing for yourself and you become very conscious of what you’re going to put into your body.

Some foods you can prepare the night before are:

•Sliced Fruit
•Peanut Butter and Jelly on Wheat
•Tuna mixed with a little salt and lime juice, crackers
•Cold cuts, bread on the side
By just preparing the ingredients and setting them aside in containers, you’ve made it super easy for you to grab what you need as you’re flying out of the house for work.

But what if you work from home? Same deal. In fact, you’re probably not going to crave as much junk food if you’re working from home. You can take advantage of the fact that you don’t get as hungry. That way, when you do grab a snack, you’ve prepared foods that will help you stave off a few calories and thus unnecessary pounds.

To learn more, visit Automatic Body’s official site to see how you can start making subtle changes to become healthier.

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