Marketing Strategy

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Choosing A Diet Plan

There are many different diets on the market today. It is very important to choose a weight loss plan that fits your personality type and lifestyle. But do you know how exactly to choose a diet that is right for your health?
Before starting a diet, consult your doctor. The contact with a professional will help you to more confident about your diet plan and ensure you that it is good for your health. Your doctor can find any medical problems that you might have and also observe how a certain diet affects your body.
When starting a diet plan, you need to consider your personal needs, preferences, and budget. Make sure that your diet fits perfectly to your lifestyle and doesn’t make you feel discouraged. It is also important to consider your health condition, such as diabetes, allergies, or heart diseases.
Look for a safe and effective weight loss plan. Successful weight loss requires a long-term commitment to making different changes in your eating habits. If your diet makes you feel weakness, lethargy, dizziness, gastric symptoms, or any other adverse health problems, stop it immediately and consult a doctor. Therefore, when choosing a diet, make sure that it is flexible, balanced, and most importantly enjoyable.

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Six Ways To Lie To Yourself About Not Needing Exercise

Just as we are great at talking others into trying something new, we are just as good at talking ourselves out of the things we need the most, especially when it comes to diet and exercise. 

Here are six ways we lie to ourselves about not needing exercise: 

1. My Doctor Says I’m Fine: So you got your lab results back and your cholesterol looks good and you aren’t even borderline diabetic. Is that really enough to keep you from taking a walk a few times a week? No. Your lab work may be great, but you still have to be preventative. 

2. I’m Not Overweight: Great! You’ve managed the same weight for many years now, which means you’re probably pretty good about counting calories and eating a variety of healthy foods. However, you might be lacking in some physical strength. 

3. I Am Always So Tired After Work: Sometimes it seems that if we do a lot of walking and lifting at our jobs, we’ve somehow accrued a decent workout. However, some of that activity doesn’t necessarily build strength in certain areas. So even if you’ve walked a lot during the day, you may still need to build strength in your core and you’ll have to set aside a bit of time at home to exercise that part of your body. 

4. I Already Do Yoga: Yoga is great for toning and gaining flexibility, but you would still need some light aerobic exercise. If your yoga studio is in walking distance, it might be good to ditch your car and get in a brisk walk that way. 

5. I Have Back Problems: You will want to discuss this with your doctor so that you can manage your exercise around your back problems. Strengthening your core muscles can help take some of the pressure off your back and reduce the pain you’re experiencing. But because every back issue is unique (for some it’s muscle strains, for others it’s slipped discs), you want to discuss with a professional first what would be the best exercise for your condition. 

6. I Feel Fine: Again, the key thing is to be preventative. On a day-to-day basis, you probably feel great.  Feeling great, however, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to watch out for ways to prevent future accidents. For example, a bad fall could reveal that you weren’t strong enough and you’ll need to work on some flexibility and muscle-building. 

We can talk ourselves out of exercising and come up with tons of reasons why we don’t need it, but it really would be best for us to prevent injuries and disease as much as possible. And given that certain medications can lead to loss of bone density, it would be helpful for us to be wise about how we can watch out for ourselves so that we don’t suffer any unnecessary injuries in the future.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Super Snacks You Will Love

Here are three super snacks you will enjoy at any time, especially during your breaks between work. They are not only delicious but very easy to prepare or just grab out of the fridge. 

1. Frozen Blueberries: These make for a tasty treat that isn’t too sugary but makes you feel like you’re eating tiny balls of ice cream. When frozen, blueberries taste creamy and are a great source of antioxidants. 

2. Chunky Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches: These are especially tasty if you toast multigrain slice of bread. Chunky peanut butter’s crunchy textures tastes great with the banana slices. You can even drizzle a tiny bit of honey and pair it with hot black coffee to balance out the sweetness. The potassium and protein will feel satisfying and honey has several benefits, including the ability to boost your immune system according to studies done in hospitals in Israel. 

3. Smoothies: You really don’t need too many ingredients to make a smoothie. You could always take time to prepare a few ziploc plastic bags filled with your favorite fruits, keep them in the freezer, and bring them out when you’re ready to blend a quick drink. Use almond milk of your favorite flavor or even vanilla soy milk. You won’t need much at all and it’ll take less than three minutes to blend and serve. 

Though eating the right amounts of fruits and vegetables that we need each day is actually a bit of a challenge, we can find ways to sneak in our RDA through snacks. What you would normally pick up at a fast food restaurant you can begin to replace with homemade snacks and you’ll start to see positive changes in your mood and a steady improvement in your health. 

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